Connection Request

Formed under Colorado law in the early 1960s, Metro Water Recovery provides wholesale wastewater transmission and treatment service to 65 local governments, including cities and sanitation districts. They, in turn, provide retail wastewater service to approximately 2.2 million people in an 817-square-mile service area in the Denver metropolitan area.

Interested in Connecting?

Rules and Regulations
Service Contract
Special Connectors Contract
Sewer constructed in 1921
Pipelines such as this 60-inch section of north Denver sewer constructed in 1921 discharged raw sewage to the South Platte River before wastewater treatment was introduced in 1938 (photo courtesy of the Western History Department, Denver Public Library).


Any city, city and county, incorporated town, sanitation district, water and sanitation district, other political subdivision, or public entity created under the laws of the State of Colorado Members that is a party to the Sewage Treatment and Disposal Agreement (Service Contract) and has representation on the Metro Water Recovery Board of Directors. View the service contract here.

Special Connector

Any city, incorporated town, sanitation district, water and sanitation district, special district, other political subdivision, or public entity created under the laws of the State of Colorado that is a party to the Standard Special Connectors Agreement and does not have representation on the Metro Water Recovery Board of Directors. View the special connector contract here.

Are you in our service area?

A service area map for Metro Water Recovery

Submit a Connector Request