Metro Water Recovery supports our communities through sponsorships to local and regional nonprofit organizations that align with our mission: to protect the region’s health and environment by cleaning water and recovering resources.
Metro is the largest water and resource recovery agency in the Rocky Mountain West, serving approximately 2.2 million people in an 817-square-mile area. In partnership with 65 local governments, comprised of municipalities and special districts, we clean millions of gallons of water every day to be suitable for agriculture, aquatic life, recreation, and water supply.
Our Sponsorship Goals
Sponsorships are available throughout the year and are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Please submit your request at least two months prior to your event.
Information and Guidelines
Sponsorship requests are subject to budgetary limitations and must meet specific requirements.  Please read the information and guidelines before submitting the webform. 
Target Audience
Sponsorships must build relationships with stakeholders within or impacted by Metro’s service area or with industry partners (local or regional) targeting community, professional and sector engagement. 
Use of Public Funds 
All sponsorships must reflect an appropriate and accountable use of public funds.  Sponsorships are currently capped at $1,500. If that amount does not meet your needs, we would appreciate that feedback as we grow and refine this program. Please fill out a feedback form here.Â
Sponsorships must be mutually beneficial to both parties and support Metro’s mission to protect the region’s health by cleaning water and recovering resources. Reference program exclusions below.
Sponsorship Application and Timeline 
First come, first served. A decision will be made approximately 2 weeks after submission. 
Additional Information
Read more about our Vision, Mission, Values, and Strategic Initiatives in our Strategic Plan.
To find out which types of programs and events we are unable to sponsor, please see our exclusions.