Our Facilities

Robert W. Hite Treatment Facility Aeration Basins

Robert W. Hite Treatment Facility

Located at 6450 York Street, Denver, CO, 80229

Opened for operations in 1966.

Serves an estimated 2.2 million people via 61 local governments and special districts, including Arvada, Aurora, Denver, Lakewood, and Westminster.

Largest wastewater treatment facility in the Rocky Mountain West.

Treats and reclaims about 130 million gallons each day, which is 85 percent of the downstream South Platte River 6 months of the year.

220 million gallon per day capacity.

Northern Treatment Plant Outfalls

Northern Treatment Plant

Located at 51 Baseline Road, Brighton, CO, 80603

Opened for operations in 2016.

Currently serving Thornton and Hi-Land Acres Water and Sanitation District, with plans to serve Brighton, South Adams County, and portions of Aurora and Denver via the new Second Creek Pipeline.

Currently treating and reclaiming 5.2 million gallons per day, with capacity for 28.8 million gallons per day.

Includes Visitors Center with educational exhibits and trails open to the public.

Harvest at the METRGRO Farm


Located approximately 65 miles east of metropolitan Denver.

About 52,000 dryland farm and pasture acres where we beneficially reuse our Class B biosolids.

Crop variety includes winter wheat, sorghum/sudan grass, and corn.

Common wildlife spotted on the Farm include coyotes, deer, antelope, field mice, bull snakes, rattlesnakes, hawks, doves, meadowlarks and occasionally badgers, box turtles, lizards, foxes and lark buntings.